Email and SMS Alerts
It’s vital to keep customers updated on certain aspects of their telecommunications. If for example calls suddenly stop, it causes panic about the quality of your service. However, if the customer has simply run out of credit, then it’s a simple resolution.
We can protect customers and providers by offering Email and SMS alerts to notify customers about certain aspects of our service, such as low balance notifications. This can prevent your customers from coming to a halt and help keep them dialling. It can also prevent users from clogging up support tickets and keep your business running smoothly.
These features are already available within our platform, straight out of the box. Within the ConnexCS control panel, you can go to Alerts and easily configure them based on certain actions such as low balance, ASR feedback, Script Forge deployments, ACD feedback, PDD feedback and consecutive failure.
There is also an option to place penalties on customers if they fail to meet certain thresholds. This will stop them dialling for x amount of time. For example, if their ASR rate is less than 10%, you can alert them from sending low-quality traffic and penalise them so they can look into the issue.
ConnexCS also offers users the ability to add their own SMTP provider if they wish to send emails or messages over a different server.